A sneak peak...
/In preparation for our big opening, we have been working hard to set up the Shoreline office. At Shoreline we believe that the space we host conversation in is very important. Our aim is for people to feel safe, comfortable, and respected in the conversational environment. We have tried to take the 'office' out of the office and have in turn designed a space that we believe will naturally spark meaningful and collaborative dialogue.
As we have worked to develop our vision of Shoreline, we wonder about how those around us have similarily transformed goals into reality. Have you had an opportunity to reflect on your own past successes accomplishing goals, creating ideas, and achieving your visions?
Looking back at your many experiences, think about a time that you were able to turn an idea, a goal, or a vision into something real or tangible.
What made you feel especially proud of your accomplishment? ...
What key talents or strengths aided your progress and ultimate achievement?
Imagine it is one year from now and you continued to nurture a special idea to life, what would be happening? What would you appreciate about your contributions to this transformation?
We invite you to reflect on these questions as you carry on through the week!