Navigating Change

"You cannot swim for new horizons until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore"   - William Faulkner

I am very excited to shift my counselling and consulting practice under the banner of my own name. I look forward to continuing to support people and walking alongside my clients.

Change can be brilliantly invigorating, promising new adventures, experiences, and life transitions. AND change can be incredibly scary, presenting uncertainty, instability, confusion, and chaos. Change is often not one or the other--both the exhilaration of something new can go hand in hand with the fear of not knowing what’s to come. We are always engaged in a change process.  Whether we are shifting with the changing seasons, welcoming a new family member, starting a new career, adjusting to the loss of a loved one, committing to a new eating or exercise regime, ending a relationship, leaving a familiar home, or processing a diagnosis. Regardless of what changes we face, human beings demonstrate tremendous resiliency in our ongoing and endless efforts to shift, adjust, and adapt.

As I engage in this new change and continue to support people in their own change process, I share some of the work of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute. The resource below offers many tangible ways to invite the body to rest and regulate so as to foster internal states of resilience during times of change.

Think of a time when you were very proud of the various ways you handled change and moved beyond what you thought was your capacity to shift and adjust.

What was happening? Who was involved? What was it that allowed you to overcome this difficult change? What have you come to value the most about your own ability to navigate the major changes you have encountered in your life’s journey so far?